» Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
The website of the company i-techshop.gr, offers its services under the following terms which the visitor / user of the website is invited to read carefully and proceed to visit / use the pages / services i-techshop.gr only if accepts them in full:

The company provides i-techshop.gr visitors / users of the website e-commerce services. In its pages, including ads i-techshop.gr similar content of the website. The existing and any new inclusion in i-techshop.gr subject to these terms of use, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The visitor / user of services i-techshop.gr understands and accepts that all the pages / services are provided "as is".

If the visitor / user wishes to subscribe to / in service / s of i-techshop.gr agrees to:

1) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the data requested by the i-techshop.gr to requests for access to content / services,

2) maintain and thoroughly inform the registration data to keep true, accurate, reliable, current and complete.

The i-techshop.gr provides users with membership services, upon acceptance of the terms of use of the site and completion of their registration .. Members remain solely responsible for all acts performed under the personal access code (password), their e-mail (email) and generally their account (user account).Members agree to immediately notify the i-techshop.gr for any unauthorized use of their account and all have been supplied and / or a possible security breach.Also, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and formal exit from your account at the end of each year (Logout). The i-techshop.gr not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the inability of States to respect and follow this clause. After creating the account, deleting can be achieved by telling us here.

The i-techshop.gr reserves the right to modify and / or discontinue temporarily or permanently some or all of its services with or without notice to users / members.

The user / member understands and accepts that i-techshop.gr reserves the exclusive right to discontinue the use of / access codes to services and / or discontinue the availability of content to users / members who believe they have violated the letter and the spirit of these terms.

The i-techshop.gr required to inform prospective customers about:

1) The essential characteristics of property

2)The value

3) The quantity and cost of transport,

4) The value added tax if not included in the price

5) The manner of payment

6) The manner of delivery and execution

7) The validity of the offer or the price and

8) The right of withdrawal.

Access to the pages / services i-techshop.gr no additional costs beyond the current pricing regime for general access to the Internet as formulated by the relevant providers (ISPs) and paid them only.

These terms and conditions of use i-techshop.gr, and any amendments thereto are governed by Greek law, EU law and international treaties. Any provision of these terms to be against the law ceases to apply and subtracted from the present, without in any way affect the validity of the remaining terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between i-techshop.gr and visitor / user pages and services, not only binds them. No modification of these terms should be taken into account and be a part of this agreement, unless expressed in writing and incorporated herein.


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